List of Courses

BIOE 201    Biology for Engineers        (3-0-3)

Introduction to biology, chemical basis of life, biomolecules, cell structure and function, cell metabolism and energy transfer, DNA structure, replication, transcription and translation, cell division (mitosis and meiosis), patterns in inherited trait, human inheritance, and biotechnology.

Prerequisite: CHEM 101 Co requisite: BIOE 202


BIOE 202   Biology for Engineers Lab      (0-3-1)

Microscopy, homeostasis, macromolecules, structure and function of living cells, diffusion, osmosis and the functional of biological membranes, enzymes: catalysts of life, respiration: energy conversion, isolation, identification of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA), mitosis and cytokinesis, meiosis, heredity 1: Mendel’s Laws, heredity2: human inheritance.

Co-requisites: BIOE 201


BIOE 211   Fundamentals of Bioengineering   (3-0-3)

Cell content and architecture, cell physiology, genomics, proteomics, neural, endocrine and immunological control, stem cells therapy, drug delivery, engineering balances, basics in respiration, digestion, circulation and waste disposal, basics in biomechanics, bioinstrumentation, bioimaging, biomaterials, nanotechnology, tissue engineering and biomagnetism.

Prerequisite: BIOE 201


BIOE 303   Cell Biology  (3-0-3)

Cell types and model organisms, structure and function of cell membrane, endomembrane systems and membrane trafficking, mitochondrion and chloroplast, cytoskeleton and cell signaling, cell junctions and extracellular matrix, cell cycle and cell death, stem cells and tissue renewal, cellular bioengineering applications.

Prerequisite: BIOE 201


BIOE 312   Bioinstrumentation lab   (0-3-1)

Blood Pressure Measurement, Echocardiography, Diathermy Equipment, ECG Wave Analysis, Patient Monitoring System, Ultrasound Blood Flow Measurement, Spirometry, Audiometer, PCG, Biotelemetry, Pacemaker Module, EMG Biofeedback with NCV.

Prerequisite: BIOE 201, BIOE 211, EE 236


BIOE 316   Ethics and Safety in Bioengineering           (1-0-1)

Nature of bioethics, theories and framework for ethical analysis, bioethics and human futures, poverty, fertility, morality, genomics, eugenics and integrity, bioethics and animals, animals use for experiments, bioethics of plants and environment, genetically modified crops, dietary futures, environmental sustainability, bioethics in practice, risk, precaution, and trust, politics and biosciences, bioethics in the laboratory.


BIOE 320   Molecular Biology    (3-0-3)

DNA and chromosome structure, replication, recombination and transcription, RNA processing, translation, gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, gene mutation and DNA repair, genomics and proteomics, epigenetics, developmental genetics, immunogenetics, and cancer genetics, molecular bioengineering applications.

Prerequisite: BIOE 303, Co requisite: BIOE 321


BIOE 321   Cell and Molecular Biology Lab     (0-3-1)

Media preparation, bacterial cell culture and identification, prokaryote cell number, isolation of genomic DNA from bacteria, restriction enzyme digestion of DNA, ligation of plasmid DNA to insert DNA, transformation of E. coli by electroporation, polymerase chain reaction, agarose gel electrophoresis, total protein isolation, poly acrylamide gel electroporation.

Co requisite: BIOE 320


BIOE 337   Applied Physiology   (3-0-3)

Introduction to physiology, nervous, sensory, muscular, respiratory, renal, and cardiovascular systems, metabolic energy and homeostasis, blood flow regulation, digestive, endocrine, immune and reproductive systems, bioengineering applications of human physiology.

Prerequisite: BIOE 201


BIOE 355   Biomimicry Design and Modeling Lab        (0-3-1)

Introduction to biomimetics, complexity of biological systems and how the complexity can be mimicked to design novel materials, devices, and systems to solve important scientific challenges in bioengineering by applying different mathematical models to find solution of these problems using MATLAB program.


BIOE 370 Bioengineering Thermodynamics  (3-0-3)

Thermodynamics, First Law of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic Properties, Control Volume Analysis, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy, Exergy Analysis, Vapor and Gas Power Systems, Internal Combustion Engines, Refrigeration and Heat Pump Systems, Thermodynamic Relations, Reacting Mixtures and Combustion, Chemical and Phase Equilibrium.

Prerequisite: BIOE 211


BIOE 398 Internship    (0-0-6)*

A period of 16 weeks of industrial employment where bioengineering students work in appropriate industries or firms. Students are evaluated on their performance on the job and are required to submit an extensive formal report on their experience in addition to making a presentation before an examining committee.  

Prerequisites: BUS 200, ENGL 214, BIOE 320, BIOE 355

* To be eligible to register BIOE 398, the student should finish 85 credit hours.


BIOE 399   Summer Training   (0-0-1)

This course is limited to BIOE program. A continuous period of 8 weeks of summer training spent in the industry working in any of the fields of bioengineering. The training should be carried out in an organization with an interest in one or more of the BIOE fields. On completion of the program, the student is required to submit a formal written report of his work.

Prerequisite: ENGL 214, BIOE 320, BIOE 355

*To be eligible to register BIOE 398, the student should finish 65 credit hours.


BIOE 411 Senior Design Project I (0-1-0)

This is the first of two courses for the multidisciplinary, capstone project.  Multidisciplinary teams will be formed, projects will be defined, and project management discussed.

Prerequisite: BIOE 320, BIOE 355


BIOE 412 Senior Design Project II (0-6-3)

This is the second of two courses for the multidisciplinary, capstone project.  Multidisciplinary teams undertake product definition, generation of conceptual designs, product development, and presentation of final products.  Students integrate knowledge acquired from prior courses into multidisciplinary projects with multiple constraints and use engineering standards while further developing their communication skills and life-long learning techniques. The course enables the graduate to apply their bioengineering knowledge to solve real-life design problems or create and improve processes, devices, and systems to meet the demand of healthcare sector and medicine in the local and global context.

Prerequisite: BIOE 320, BIOE 355, BIOE 411


BIOE 440   Molecular Biotechnology   (3-0-3)

Molecular biotechnology, recombinant proteins production in prokaryotic hosts and eukaryotic cells, protein therapeutics, pharmaceuticals, enzymes, recombinant antibodies and vaccines, protein engineering and nucleic acids as therapeutic agents, industrial and environmental uses of recombinant microorganisms, transgenic plants and animals, molecular biotechnology, and society.

Prerequisite: BIOE 320


BIOE 455   Transport Phenomenon in Bioengineering (3-0-3)

Physiological Fluid Mechanics, Conservation and Momentum Balances, Fluid Transport, Dimensional Analysis and Scaling, Momentum Transport, Fluid Flow, Mass Transport, Diffusion, Transvascular Transport, Transport across the Kidney and Lungs, Ligand-Receptor Kinetics, Transport of Drugs and Heat Transfer in Biological Systems.

Prerequisite: BIOE 211


BIOE 460   Biomaterials   (3-0-3)

Biomaterials interaction with biological systems, properties of biomaterials used in medical applications, classes of biomaterials used in medicine, host reactions involved in biomaterials, biological testing of biomaterials, degradation of biomaterials in the biological systems, applications of biomaterials in medicine and artificial organs, tissue engineering.


BIOE 480   Biomechanics   (3-0-3)

Biomechanics, kinematic and kinetic concepts for analyzing human motion, biomechanics of human bone growth and development, biomechanics of human skeletal muscle, articulations and spine, linear and angular kinematics of human moment, and human movement in a fluid medium.

Prerequisite: BIOE 337, Senior Standing


BIOE 484 Introduction to Genetic Engineering   (3-0-3)

Basic molecular techniques, cutting and joining DNA, vectors and cloning strategies, analyzing cloned genes, cloning in bacteria and yeast, genetic manipulation of animal and plant cells, DNA libraries and sequencing strategies, omic tools for genes and protein functions.


BIOE 485   Electrophysiology    (3-0-3)

Biological redox chemistry, bioelectric signals in the cell, Ion channels, membrane and action potential, brain, heart, and neuro-muscular system physiology in relation with bioelectric signals and their propagation, sensory processes in animal involving stimuli, sensor-reception, electrical signal and brain processing, and examples of bioelectricity in other organisms.


BIOE 486   Nanobiotechnology   (3-0-3)

Nanobiotechnology, DNA and RNA nanostructures, aptamer-functionalized nanomaterials, artificial antibodies and enzymes, molecular motors, RNA nanomachines and virus-based nanotechnology, biosensors, nanobioprocessing, dielectrophoresis, nanofluidics, optical tweezers, nanotechnology for tissue engineering, drug delivery, siRNA Delivery and  nanotoxicity, release of bionanomaterials and future prospects of nanobiotechnology.


BIOE 487   Bioinformatics    (3-0-3)

Bioinformatics databases, next-generation sequencing, genome organization and evolution, archives and information retrieval, alignments and phylogenetic trees, structural bioinformatics and drug discovery, artificial intelligence and machine learning, systems biology, metabolic pathways, expression and regulation of gene regulatory networks, ethical apprehensions, and prospects of bioinformatics.


BIOE 488   Introduction to Modeling of Biological Systems    (3-0-3)

Introduction: Why Model?; discrete time models for population dynamics, linear difference equations. Introduction in MATLAB; How to use MATLAB to find the numerical solutions of the DE (Labs:  There are a computer lab for this part). Introduction to nonlinear discrete dynamical systems: graphical analysis, fixed points, linear stability analysis, chaotic dynamics, systems of difference equations. Some techniques for ordinary differential equations: equilibrium points, stability, linearization. Introduction to continuous dynamical systems: geometric (phase plane) analysis of 2-dim systems, linear systems.