

What is BioEngage?


It is a new initiative launched by Bioengineering (BIOE) department at KFUPM. It is a transformative platform designed to illuminate the intersections of biology and engineering. 

 Foster a deeper understanding of the groundbreaking advancements in bioengineering.

This series offers a curated collection of engaging events,                                                                             


In-person seminars.                         Online webinars.


Seminar by Dr. Shih-Lei (Ben)

The Bioengineering Department hosted the following speaker:

Dr. Shih-Lei (Ben), Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, presenting a seminar on “Secrets of Heart Regeneration revealed by Comparative Analyses in Regenerative and Non-Regenerative Models”, organized by the Bioengineering Department.

📅: 16th November 2022 (Wednesday)
⏰: 11:00 AM (GMT+3/AST)                        
👉: Building 59, Room 1001


    Location and Time
  • Building 59 - Room 1001 

  • 16 Nov, 2022

  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 AM