

What is BioEngage?


It is a new initiative launched by Bioengineering (BIOE) department at KFUPM. It is a transformative platform designed to illuminate the intersections of biology and engineering. 

 Foster a deeper understanding of the groundbreaking advancements in bioengineering.

This series offers a curated collection of engaging events,                                                                             


In-person seminars.                         Online webinars.


KFUPM-JHAH MoU Signing Ceremony

The Bioengineering Department has signed a MoU with the Kingdom’s world-class healthcare provider, JHAH, in the presence of HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud. We are looking forward to the next phase of this journey which will bring immense benefits to both the parties and pave way for future collaborations.

    Location and Time
  • 9th Floor, Building 21, KFUPM

  • 22 Nov, 2022

  • 01:30 PM - 12:00 AM